El Fideicomiso de Ciencia, Tecnología e Investigación de Puerto Rico se complace en invitarles a su primer simposio “Forward Grantees Symposium”. Un día para mostrar el trabajo de sus beneficiarios y el impacto del Programa de Becas de Investigación del Fideicomiso en el ecosistema de la isla.
¿Cuándo? 27 de mayo de 2017 de 8 am a 5 pm
¿Dónde? Universidad del Este, en el Anfiteatro Haydee Piñero Buck.
El simposio será gratuito e incluye desayuno ligero y almuerzo. Los espacios son limitados. El registro vence el 15 de mayo. Registro en https://www.eventbrite.com/e/forward-grantees-symposium-tickets-32700584328
8:00am-8:30am: Registration
8:30am-8:35am: Welcome Remarks
8:30am-8:40am: Research Grant Program Achievements
8:40am-8:55am: Novel inhibitors of the malarial GST protein – from bench to a marketable drug. Adelfa Serrano, PhD (RFP-2015)
8:57am-9:12am: Endocytic Regulation of the Adhesion G protein- coupled receptors (GPCRs), BAI1 and EMR2, during Pediatric Retinoblastoma (Rb) Optic Nerve Invasion. Jacqueline Flores, PhD (RFP-2015)
9:14am-9:29am: Development of a Biosensor Microchip for the Detection of Microorganisms and Cancer Cells at the Point-of-Care. Carlos Cabrera, PhD (RFP-2015)
9:31am-9:46am: Development of EHop-016 as an anti metastatic cancer therapeutic. Suranganie Dharmawardhane, PhD (RFP-2015). Represented by: Eliud Hernández, PhD
Break: 9:48am-10:03am
10:05am-10:20am: Development of Advanced Unmanned Aerial Vehicle With Vertical Takeoff or Landing Capabilities for Commercial Civil Markets. Juan Cruz, MS (RFP-2015)
10:22am-10:37am: Inertial sensors development for Space Weather and Planetary Research. Jonathan Friedman, PhD (RFP-2015).
Represented by: Andres Díaz, PhD.
10:39am-10:54am: A Scientifically Justified Interface and Sample Reduction System for Powders. Rodolfo Romanach, PhD (RFP-2015)
10:56am-11:11am: Novel Ionic Polymer Nanocomposite Membranes for Advanced Water Purification. David Suleiman, PhD (RFP-2015)
11:13am-11:28am: Hybrid Mechanical/Electronic Steerable Antenna Array for Beyond Line of Sight Communications for UAS Applications. Rafael Medina, PhD (RFP-2015)
11:30pm-12:30pm: Lunch
12:30pm-2:05pm: Impact of the Grant Program in the local research ecosystem. Panelist: TBA
2:07pm-2:22pm: Mesenchymal modulation and abundance of active Hh signaling in triple negative breast cancer signaling in triple negative breast cancer. Maribella Domenech, PhD (SRGP-2016). Represented by: Dr. Wanda L. Torres
2:24pm-2:39pm: Agricultural Lab-on-a-chip device for point-of-care pathogen detection using a disposable microfluidic device and open source tools for optical detection. Pedro Restro, PhD (SRGP-2016)
2:41pm-2:56pm: Osteoinductive integrin-containing biomaterials for bone repair. Jorge Almodovar, PhD (SRGP-2016)
2:58pm-3:13pm: Butterflies for bioprospecting: The use of evolutionary theory to direct drug discovery. Catherine M. Hulshof De La Peña, PhD (SRGP-2016)
Break: 3:15pm-3:30pm
3:32pm-3:47pm: Dimensions of biodiversity in pathogens of Puerto Rican wildlife. Sean Locke, PhD (SRGP-2016)
3:49pm-4:04pm:Polymorphic Control of Small Organic Semiconductor Materials using Thioaromatic-based Self-assembled Monolayers on Gold. Vilmalí López, PhD (SRGP-2016)
4:06pm-4:21pm: Robustness of developmental trajectories to varying temperatures in a tropical vertebrate. Carla Restrepo, PhD (SRGP-2016)
4:23pm-4:38pm: Development of Purification and Formulation Processes for Manufacturing of Personalized Medication. Torsten Stelzer, PhD (SRGP-2016)
4:40pm-4:55pm: Biocompatible fluorescent graphene oxide quantum dots for cancer biosensing and selective bioimaging. Lisandro Cunci, PhD (SRGP-2016)